Dining near Squasht

Dining near Squasht

Did you know that Squasht Boutique is within walking distance from some of the very best restaurants in Chicago? Plan a day or evening on Chicago Ave! Grab your friends and shop at Squasht before or after heading out for a delicious brunch, lunch, dinner or drinks.

We look out our front windows directly at Kai Zan every day, which was named the BEST sushi restaurant in Chicago by Chicago Magazine. If you haven’t been there yet you are missing out!

🍣Kai Zan
2557 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60622

Additional recommended yumtastic spots within one block of us:

🐔Split Rail 
2500 W Chicago Ave,
Chicago, IL 60622

2524 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60622

 🍢Heritage Caviar Bar
2700 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60622

Read about all the restaurants in the 2-mile stretch near us here


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